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The Importance of Sketching

Science is the observations of things possible, whether present or past: prescience is the knowledge of things which may come to pass, though but slowly. ~ Leonardo da Vinci

Here is thing, sketching gives us the to ability to roughly express our ideas or experiences. All to often as artist we stress about producing the final rendering. A polished piece of work that will have impact on the world. The problem with that, just like in many things in life is, we don't know what will work. It is import to fail or do something quick , to move and learn, to even get in the ballpark of the answers that we seek. Sketching gives us that ability. I have posted in this blog post some of the sketches I did while taking a seminar on sketching. These were suppose to be quick drawings that allowed me to convey a moment.

Lots of time in fine art making we need to process the many different elements in art ether it be scale, line, shape, etc... We do this in the sketchbook with thumbnails. It helps us compose and prerender and idea. Sketching is at the core of this process. In later blog post I will show some of my sketches from actually projects I had to use this method. This is to show that things to not have to be prefect. The process can be messy. That is the point.

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